I’ve found myself spending a lot of time counting days lately. Last year, with its excruciatingly boring accounting class and painfully pointless ethics class (everyone knows that your average MBA would swap their nan for a few pints and an internship at Goldmans…), daydreaming became my second most popular activity next to drinking free beer at Sundowners. This year I’m doing it even more. Except this year I don’t have an excuse. Despite being taught entrepreneurship by an internet millionaire and innovation by one of the most interesting professors I’ve ever had, I’m still struggling to concentrate. One side effect of always having something to look forward to is that I feel like I am killing time until that moment. Still, its only 18 days Diana ☺
What’s that carrot?On a more somber note, whilst we are on the subject of counting things I thought it would be worth mentioning Remembrance Sunday, which commemorates soldiers who have died in service. In the UK and Canada, as well as a few other Commonwealth countries, people wear poppies to signify this event. The tradition of wearing poppies originates from battlefields such as the Somme in Northern France, where after the war they grew in their millions in an around the trenches. At the Somme alone, in one day nearly sixty thousand people were injured or killed – which is truly a number that I don’t want to count.
daniel spent about 4hrs writing this!! Xx I think he tries to outdo me in terms of post quality. I told him blogging should be fast writing..
Oh, and also, the carrot!
So, since we are 5386kms apart(if we trust the signpost in Mt. Holyoke), we are spending quite a bit of time webcamming, which distorts images. So on Halloween, I saw him wearing an oring-y thing on his collar, with an extension of green..At first i thought it was part of the costume, then it stopped making sense and I had to ask why on earth mr Daniel had decided to adorn his coat with a paper carrot.. Apparently, he saw it as a poppy
i think you'll find i spent 3 of those 4 hours daydreaming :) Xx
p.s i'm going to title my posts after songs i like. this one refers to Someone Great by LCD Soundsystem:
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