Monday 10 November 2008


Subversive, criminal, creative, artistic, beautiful, expressive, dirty, anti-establishment.... No, I'm not describing Britney's new look. Neither am I describing my collection of boxer shorts. Nor Diana's sense of humour. What I'm referring to is graffiti. In a city like London, which lives in an almost perpetual state of drab grey, this work often brightens up an otherwise uninteresting wall or building. What else could turn a row of recycling bins into an art installation, or a derelict shop into a form of expression?

Recycling bins by Old Street roundabout

Derelict shop, Rivington St, opposite Cargo

p.s. however interested you are in graffiti I suggest, unlike Diana, you do not include it under the additional interests section of your CV / resume :)

As mentioned before I'm using song titles for my blog posts, this refers to Couleurs by M83 - Have tickets to see them in December, I can't wait!


zarichinova said...

the song titles are a great idea - i wish it was mine.. i hate when ppl think faster than me,,,

mia said...
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mia said...

as diana's good friend i can't leave the remark on her humor unnoticed. a right on! description.